Thursday 25 November 2010

18 of the Bicentennia

The bicentenary ceremony of the bicentennial has a very important historical value for our country, as more than celebrate 200 years of the independence of our republic, is a forum to put in the balance as we have grown as a country. Just live the bicentennial of Chile and we realized that is more than going to armadas, going to elevates comets or meet with the family to a barbecue. As I write a personal opinion why is it so important to highlight the traditions and appreciating our history as unique and special for each Chilean should represent mush more than ever recall the 200 years of Chilean history and proud of it.

Despite the tragedies that have rocked our country, we have managed to get ahead and excel, helping the needy for the earthquake and tsunami and pending second to second what was happening in north of our country with tragedy of the 33 miners. These are the achievements for which we should feel proud, a country committed to its people and solidarity, not only of the tragedies that shook us, but also carried out campaigns, such as the Teletón. It is for these achievements and many more who deserved Chile celebrate the bicentennial in big and for me is more than one party is to recover the values of our country, back to the roots, together with our grandparents and great grandparents for tell us how as living on September 18 when they were children, what they did, what they played ... It was also the time of Chilean typical activities such as preparing and then eating empanadas, playing traditional Chileans games like trompo, the gymkhanas, the emboque and many Chilean games that gradually have been lost in some families and have been replaced by baked or just for relaxing evenings on TV and see the militar parade and stuff.

That is why in the bicentennial year call on all people to celebrate all the September 18 like the September 18 of the bicentennial, and we can`t miss to take what we identified as the Chilean people, our roots and our way of being. Let us leave our homes, dance cueca, share with the elderly and thus further enrich our culture, while the technology to take them to display this wonderful culture to succeeding generations

Sunday 14 November 2010

The music that I like!

Hi everyone! How are you?
Today, again, I have to write about a free topic. So I’m going to write about the music I like to listen.
Actually I have no fixed style type of music I like, but overall I like listening to English songs, I like how the song sounds when I'm singing or listening.
The bands I like are Queen and The Beatles, but I like different songs from different bands and artists too, as the song "I don` t want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith, or "say a little pray for you" by Aretha Franklin.
But I also listen to music from Chilean artists such as Bunkers or Nicole but the Chilean group that I like are Los Tres, a group that became known nationally in the early 90's.
This group has many familiar themes that are a must at family gatherings, meetings with friends or at parties.
One of my favorite songs of Los Tres is "violent love."
This song is a bolero with certain shades of rock; this track is so popular nationwide that is considered a "romantic anthem”.
Well to finish what kind of music that I like to think it's because my dad listened to music and still listening ... the music of 80 '.
I think it's the best music of all time, songs that speak of an era of change that is lived, not only in our country, if not worldwide.

Well, I think this is the kind of music that I like.

See you in class, bye

Wednesday 3 November 2010

The Brain!

Hi everyone! How are you?
Today I will talk about a speech he came to do a physiology professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Dr. Pedro Maldonado, he told us about a very interesting topic about the myths and truths about the brain.
The first thing he discussed was: "The human brain is different from animals." This is a common phrase among all people, but in reality this is false is just a myth, because, first of all we humans are also animals, as well has the same structures in relation to animals, but has more rows.
Another myth that Dr. Maldonado is denied is "only use 10% of the capacity of the brain." This is false because we occupy all the capabilities of the brain because the brain is plastic, in other words, the human brain can change and adapt.
Dr. Maldonado also told us that the brain is compared with a computer; it is said by the storage capacity. But this is another myth, because the human brain is much more complicated, because the information is stored in different brain areas, as well as the brain integrates all the information, not separate them.

Another myth is the doctor said about the brain was differences between female and male brain. Both brains have the same capabilities, except that they are influenced by hormonal factors.

One of the last myths that the doctor was denied "the brain reproduces the world as it is, this is false because the brain constructs its own world. Is for this reason that we all have different point of views.

Tuesday 5 October 2010


Hi dear classmates! How are you?
Today I have to write about a topic very usual for as and I have in this moments. I talk about the stress. That horrible word affects more people that anyone can think.
The causes of stress can be any stimuli (externals stimuli or internal stimuli) and upset the balance of a person like positive situations (the bird of a child, marriage) or negative situations (job loss, bereavement). But depend of each people.
The more commons symptoms are: depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, indigestion, sexual dysfunction, increase heart rate, diarrhea or constipation.
Stress can trigger many diseases like: cardiovascular disorders (hypertension), asthma, development of infectious processes, peptic ulcer, itching, excessive sweating, tics, tremors, muscle spasms, sexual problems, disorders desire, fears, phobias, depression, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, sleep disturbances, irritability, etc.
There are many people suffers stress because we living in a stress world, specially en the city, because the people are running every time of the day, because we must arrive early to job, we must deliver the work on time. Many people that are working are study too and this is very stressful because the time isn’t enough for both things. The women are working, studying and many time are take care of her child and worrying about the housework and this must be really stressful!
In this times are many treatments for stress like tranquilizer or antianxiety medications and this can complement whit some exercise or deports, walk, run, yoga, listen music, travel, read a book, relax, etc

Well, I think that I can do some of these tips for distress me, because I need that!
I hope that these tips will help you too

See you! Bye

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Hello everyone!
Just last Thursday was our English class Dr. Valenzuela tell us about his research on the levonorgestrel, a pill that is used as emergency contraception, and when they should be used, among other things.
In relation whit the presentation of Dr. Valenzuela, I didn`t like it because Dr. Valenzuela was too slow to speak and very monotonous. When we have English classes (after lunch and traveled on the subway to the faculty is quite tiring). I think that classes should be more interactive and motivating. To be honest I was bored a bit.
Well, as I study midwifery, and my friends ask me many things about methods of contraception, I have informed about different methods of contraception that is why I had knowledge of levonorgestrel, so I did not find difficult to understand the research work done emergency contraceptive. Dr. Valenzuela explained about the functioning of this pill. The levornorgetrel or also known as "morning-after pill" is taken when a woman has had sex without any protection. This pill must be taken the next day after having sex.
The dilemma is that if this pill is abortion or not. From my point of view, pregnancy occurs when the egg is implanted in the uterus, because the majority of abortions occur for a non-implantation of the egg in the uterus. Levonorgestrel does not allow the implantation of the egg in the uterus, which is why from my point of view it is not abortive.

Well, this was my assessment as to the presentation of Dr. Valenzuela.

See you next class.
And have a nice September 18

Monday 6 September 2010

Well, this is a very beautiful country that I would like to visit, and this country is Spain. I have an uncle who traveled to that country for work and he has shown me a lot of pictures of this country and I loved those pictures and also definitely it is amazing.
Also, Spain has a metropolitan culture that influenced many other parts and countries of the world like Southamerica. For example, Chile was colonized by Spain, so we conserve many customs and traditions of this country, like the language but without the accent of the Spanish.
Actually Spain is a developed country, so there are many opportunities, especially in the academic area. If I could travel to Spain, I would like to know all the wonderful places in that country and I would to do a post degree in health because in that country have the necessary technology and resources in this area, so I could learn and come back to Chile and show my knowledge and teach my colleagues. However, it is a very touristic place too, so I would like to spend my vacations there. Also, Spain is located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula, so I could travel to other countries that surround Spain like Italy, France, England, etc.
In this moment I`m only a student, but when I start working, I swear that I will join money and became this idea into something real and exciting experience.
Well, I see you in the class.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

The book that I like!

Hello everyone! How are you?

This book I had to read at school when I was 12. The book is called “Our shadows” of the writer María Teresa Budge. When my dad bought me the book for read it I looked and I didn`t like it because the book had many pages, so I thought it would be very boring book until I started reading.

This book is the diary of Patricia, a girl who goes to live for a time the home of her aunt Melania, a lady who don`t love the children and no clutter and noise. Patricia's father gives her the diary to write whatever she wanted. She was very sad to know that her parents left in the house of her aunt and without knowing why. But she didn`t know was that her parents had gone a little about them because their parents were divorcing and they didn`t want his daughter found out and suffer. A few days after arrive at the house of her aunt her sister, Nora, which tells the Perfect because her sister Nora was perfect in everything she did. Beside they live many experiences in the house of her aunt. She learns many things in life and slowly begins to love her aunt…

Well, I will not tell you more to read this great book and I hope you like it.

See you bye

PS: “Our shadows are larger than ourselves”

Wednesday 30 June 2010

My blogging experience

Hi everybody!
Today is our last day of this semester that we should write in our blogs. This time I and all my classmates should write about our blogging experience.
Every Tuesday and Thursday we had to go to faculty medicine west of the university to go to english class, where every Tuesday we had to go to the computer classroom to write on the blog, where most of the topics that we had to write was in relation to our career, and on other post we were to write about free topics and I love that, because I can write about my favorite things.
I have to say that sometimes I didn`t like to go on Tuesday to english class, because instead of making the blog the same day in class, we did other things that were somehow related to the blog, but I had to reach at my home to write the blog that day, because the time left to write in class was not enough. But I must say that this was very well suited for sharing with my classmates and reading the views of my classmates wrote in their blogs. Teacher Claudia also made us participate correcting the blogs of other classmates. That served us much, as we learned more.
The blogs helped me learn to write better in English in addition to improving spelling, grammar, writing, and also thanks to the blogs I learned to write new words in English. But this only helped me in writing. On Thursdays were the days where we learned to express our ideas and improve the lexicon when talking.
I think I've learned a lot of English this year and also helped me to improve my English but I still much more to learn.

Well, see you the next semester.


Tuesday 22 June 2010

My favorite movie

Hi everybody...

Today I have to write about a free topic (again), so I will write about my favorite movie: Toy Story.

This movie was released in 1995, when I had 6 years and immediately I fell in love.

Toy Story is about the adventures of living toys, specifically the cowboy Woody and Buzz Light year the astronaut.

In the opening scenes, the cowboy doll Woody is coordinating a reconnaissance mission in the birthday party for Andy, his owner, days before Andy's family moves to a new home. For Woody sadness, the child receives a new action figure, Buzz Light year the astronaut, whose innovative features would soon become his new favorite toy, replacing the outdated jeans. However, the confused Buzz does not realize that in reality, he is also a toy, believing that space is an astronaut and go to Woody as an obstacle in his "mission", as Buzz "protect the galaxy from the Threat of invasion from the Evil Emperor Zurg, Sworn Enemy of the Galactic Alliance. "

One of the things I like about this movie is showing us a very important value that we should never ignore: friendship.

Best of all, Toy Story

And this is not over, since the 17th of June of this year opens the third part of this fantastic story, also in 3D format.

I recommend seeing this movie, especially those who have souls of children.

"To infinity and beyond"

Tuesday 15 June 2010

My first friend

Hello everyone ...
Today I have to write on a free theme ... so I will write about a person since I met was important part of my life; I speak of my first best friend.
Her name is Katherine, but I tell Katita ... I met her when I was 6 years old and my parents and my sister we had moved house and came to a condominium. I almost did not come out to play on the garden, not yet arrived because kids my age to play with them. Until one day I was with my mom walking in the garden and reach a girl of my age, dressed in a shirt and jeans. She walks over to me and we started talking and playing and then we became friends. She said that had more children in the condominium of our age and she introduced them at me. So we had many friends more and we saw some children arrived at the condominium and as others went.
Years passed and the only person of my age with that I gathered was with Katita, because all the other friends had already left the condominium or were always studying and never came to share.
Until one day she told me a couple of months are going to go the condo, because his family was going to live in other place. I was very sorry. But even though she no longer lived in the condominium, we never lost contact.
Until one day, two years after they left, she calls me and tells me that becomes the condominium, but not alone. She would arrive whit her boyfriend and a surprise. When she arrives at the
condo she tells me she was pregnant and happy.
Now she has 6 months of pregnant, I see almost every day and remains as friendly as the first day that we met.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Hello everybody. How are you?

Today I have to write about one of many of our roles as midwives.

Education and prevention in our field is very important to the community, family and the individual. There are many ways to help people to keep on many diseases.

One of the ways we can help people is educating people, especially in the prevention of various diseases or cares to improve the quality of life of people.

It is very important to warn people about diseases, as this would rule out many myths and misinformation that people can have, and thus help to improve the quality of life of people.

At the individual level, we as midwives can help women to prevent diseases such as cervical cancer, breast cancer and other diseases such as sexually transmitted. Informing women about this, we help them to improve their health and make timely treatment, if it detects any disease.

At the familiar level, we can assist in the family planning, and help families throughout the process of parenting, what they should do, how they should care and how to carry out the process of pregnancy. Also ask the parents how many children they want and how they want to care for this to be carried out.

At the community level, our role as midwives is to help people and this is achieved through education. This can be done through various educational activities such as giving talks at schools, health centers, neighborhood groups, and many more.

I hope that when I become a midwife can help many people by preventing and promoting health and a good quality of life.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Gender problems in our career

Hello everyone, how are you?
This time I will write about the gender difference that can be seen in our career.
I do not think it could have been men who wanted to study midwifery, and has always been seen as a career for women only, but when I entered at university I realized I was wrong.
Although there are very few partners in our grade and overall in the career, I do not mind studying obstetrics and think it is very good.
The advantage that men can be studying and working as obstetricians is (from my point of view): if specialization is gynecology, women attend more with men than with women obstetricians, I do not know what it is.
And the downside is that people have prejudices against people who study this career, but wrong.
I believe that these problems of gender are not much in other career is not so many prejudices because obstetrics is classified as a career for women.
I believe that these prejudices are exhausted should inform people that this career can also study men, as they too should know all the processes that happen to women throughout their life cycle, and so they can understand
much better than us, women.
I hope people will be more open-minded to all genres problems with this and other careers are over.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

My future as a midwife

When the day of my degree and finish my studies in obstetrics reaches, will be a great day and exciting since the end may be conducted entirely in what I like to do, treat and help women in the beautiful process of being mothers and giving birth to her son, and not only that, help the whole process of care of women itself. Although I would like to continue studying to specialize even more, but still do not exactly know where to specialize.
When I have to go for a job I like to work in a public hospital because they would help me a lot to gain experience with what corresponds to my work, and thus be better health care professional.
In order to improve and contribute to the health of the mother and the baby I think I could do as a midwife is to be attentive, patient, empathetic, friendly and helpful for the mother to trust me so we can make the best of your attention, the mother to see any questions that she have to prevent any illness that she may have or her child and so do a good control and attention.
I hope my expectations as a midwife are fully implemented.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

My career

The idea of studying obstetrics was not immediately; really I did not know existed that career (when he was 16). One day a classmate of the school told me that she would like to study obstetrics and asked her about this career and it caught my attention, but still was not my first choice for study. When I gave PSU, the results were not what I expected, so I had to study again to give a good PSU and also that year I would to decide how best career that I would like to study and what the future would do.

After I delivered the results of the PSU the results I got isn’t were that I expected (again), but was better the previous year. So one of my options was to study obstetrics.

The first year of the career, the subjects that we passed in the first semester aren’t showing us or teach much the work of midwives and really did not know whether he had made the right decision
and did not know whether future I would like it. But when we started the second semester and with practices in hospitals, we saw how worked midwives and man midwives and the beautiful work that they do. Have see mothers with their newborn children was one of the most beautiful, well I love the babies.

Now I'm starting the second year of obstetrics, the subjects are more closely linked to the career and each day that passes I like what I'm studying. It's very nice to know that we help women in one of the most important moments in their lives, and I like knowing that I will be part of that.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

The website that I like!

Hello everybody! How are you?

This time I writing about a website that i like visit and always read and search some concept for do works or know more about pregnancy and care with the mother and the baby... In the website we can know about different process that have the child, since the conception of the baby till the child go to school. Besides we can find many information about the care that the mother have to do whit all stage of pregnancy like: what she have to do whit the exercise (like pilates or yoga), the food (what she must to eat, different drugs and medications, and more.

The mother will can know how the baby grow up and develops in her womb month to month; know about different types deliveries and the things tha she need to take to the hospital or clinic at the time of delivery.
The mother can also meet and learn how to help her child in different situations such as when their first tooth fall, when the child enter fist time to school, and more situations.

I hope you enyoy this website like me.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Is trembling!!

I never forget that night...

I was in home, my parents were sleeping, my sister was watching tv in her room and i was watching Festival of Viña whit my boyfriend when i started to take a litlle sleep. Suddenly the earth began to move slowly. I did not worry because i´m don´t scared the tremors but my sister was screaming saying : ¡is trembling! My boyfriend tried to calm her but she didn´t and opened the door. In that moments began to tremble so much stronger and noisy, it was the earthquaker. So my sister under rapidly the stairs (we live on the fourth floor) and i and my boyfriend followed to her. When i arrives at the first floor i remember that my little brother was sleeping and i wanted to find him, but then my dad came with my brother in his arms, my brother was still sleeping ¡He felt nothing! In the condominium´s square were many people, some were crying and saying: it´s was a earthquaker...
we don´t sleep that night, and spent the night outside.

That night i only think in my brother and take care him, because my parents was helping neighbors...

It was a big shake to everyone, but thank god nothing happened to us.