Wednesday 19 May 2010

My career

The idea of studying obstetrics was not immediately; really I did not know existed that career (when he was 16). One day a classmate of the school told me that she would like to study obstetrics and asked her about this career and it caught my attention, but still was not my first choice for study. When I gave PSU, the results were not what I expected, so I had to study again to give a good PSU and also that year I would to decide how best career that I would like to study and what the future would do.

After I delivered the results of the PSU the results I got isn’t were that I expected (again), but was better the previous year. So one of my options was to study obstetrics.

The first year of the career, the subjects that we passed in the first semester aren’t showing us or teach much the work of midwives and really did not know whether he had made the right decision
and did not know whether future I would like it. But when we started the second semester and with practices in hospitals, we saw how worked midwives and man midwives and the beautiful work that they do. Have see mothers with their newborn children was one of the most beautiful, well I love the babies.

Now I'm starting the second year of obstetrics, the subjects are more closely linked to the career and each day that passes I like what I'm studying. It's very nice to know that we help women in one of the most important moments in their lives, and I like knowing that I will be part of that.

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